
2006 DHH Stallion

Majesteit x Ulaciana

BASSANISpeechless is probably an accurate term when one comes across such an athlete the possesses charisma, intelligence, extreme motion and beauty. So speechless is how to best describe this unique Dutch Harness Horse Stallion…

Bassani. In 2011, Bassani won Open 3-Gaited at the Buckeye Arabian Show with owner Tara E.A. LaFave on their (yes both of their) birthday. Bassani also won, Reserve Champion SHA Halter Males. Throughout the rest of the summer Bassani garnered multiple wins in Open 3-Gaited and Fine Harness Driving. Finishing up the show season at the 2011 National Show Horse Finals, Bassani brought home the titles of National Champion 3-Gaited Open as well as National Champion Fine Harness!

*Pedigree link
*Breeding Contract link